Creating Habitats and Biotopes in Home Aquarium

Sutapa Art Gallery

Sutapa Art Gallery
Paintings by Kairav
Marine Aquarium Freshwater AquariumAquascaping Water Plants Bog Plants Amphibians ReptilesBreeding TechniquesImitating Seasonal Changes Invertebrates Crustaceans

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Know whether the pet you have is a part of the ENDANGERED list

Lots of animals are sold in the market those are actually endangered, so we should refrain from keeping them as pets. The initiative that we all can take may be is to stop buying, so the selling will also stop and that will help the species to regenerate in wild.

International Union for Conservation of Nature, popularly known as IUCN have a database of most of the known species and they are classified as the following: 

LC= Least Concern
NT= Near Threatened
EN= Endangered
CR= Critically Endangered
EW= Extinct in Wild
EX= Extinct

First you will have to know the scientific name of the species that you are looking for and search in the link below for the classification of the species. 

Kindly note: " If the buying stops Killing can too ..."

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