Creating Habitats and Biotopes in Home Aquarium

Sutapa Art Gallery

Sutapa Art Gallery
Paintings by Kairav
Marine Aquarium Freshwater AquariumAquascaping Water Plants Bog Plants Amphibians ReptilesBreeding TechniquesImitating Seasonal Changes Invertebrates Crustaceans

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fish having white excreta and not feeding - Its Internal Parasites

If you see your fishes are excreting white excreta, and the fish will also not eat then it must be that there had been a attack of Internal Parasites in your tank. In this case the fishes can be de-wormed by the following method.

Use Metronidazole B.P. Tablets - 200mg. (Buy for the entire 5 days tablet together so that you use the same brand of tablets for the entire course. A change of brand can cause a little change of the chemical composition causing problem with the fishes being treated.

Dosage: Use 1 (200 mg) tablet per 25 gallons water (94.6 Litres) (Dosage: 200mg per 25 US G, you will have to calculate the dosage according to the volume of water in your tank). Mix the tablets in a mug of water and stir thoroughly so that it makes a complete solution. Pour this water in the tank which is going to be treated. Never drop the tablets directly into the tank. Change water and repeat the treatment everyday for 5 days. Each day check whether the fishes still continue to have white excreta. If you still do not see black excreta after 5 days then continue the treatment for another 3 days.

When white excreta disappear and you see black feces from the fishes, then all the internal parasites have been killed and cleared.

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